Download Eclipse IDE
You need the IDE for java developers and the latest version can be found here:
Once it is downloaded upzip it to a target folder.
For this install it will be "C:\development\java\eclipse\indigo". What ever you do don't include any spaces in the path as certain java tools don't like it.
I have also named it with the version so I can install others later.
Set your self up a windows short cut to avoid hunting for it later.
Edit the Eclipse.ini to optimise settings
While eclipse should run straight out of the box (unless you download the 32bit one and are running on a 64 bit system).
Before modifying the eclipse.ini file please back it up. The ini file can be error prone with returns and spaces.
I have an other post which will detail some of the settings you need but they boil down to these:
| This will tell the VM not to validated all the .class files it is loading. |
| Aledgedly Eclipse runs better when linked to a specific dll. A desirable side effect of this is that if there are any problems with Ports the fire wall will now report "Eclipse" is requesting to access ... sooner than "Java". Please note the new line after the -vm param. |
| Give your self some more memory space. Particularly if you have plenty of memory on your PC. |
| Tell Eclipse that it can use the latest version of Java. |
| This is an alternate option to setting up the size of memory by hand and these options do not work with -Xms and -Xmx. They work as follows:
Eclipse Preferences
- Windows -> Preferences; General --> [x] Show heap status.The best way to monitor the current memory useage in Eclipse is to enable HEAP monitoring:
- Windows -> Preferences; General -> Appearance -> Label Decorations
disabling label decorations you don't need; - Windows -> Preferences; General -> Startup and ShutdownGet rid of "Usage data gathering", "Equinox ...", "Mylyn..>", "Market Place client".
- Windows -> Preferences; MavenTurn off all un needed options on the first Maven tab (all?)
- Windows -> Preferences;Mylyn --> TasksTurn of sysncronization;
At this point Eclipse should run like lightning.
The next thing to do is to start adding in your plugins.
This is the topic of the next post.
So for reference my eclipse.ini looks like this: