Friday, 27 May 2016

“Could not Calculate Build Plan” A problem with Maven and Eclipse?


When switching projects there is a chance that you may encounter an issue with your Maven pom.xml file in Eclipse.
This, if you are lucky, manifests as “Failed to authenticate with Proxy” and if you are not as a simple red error at the top of the window containing the pom.xml, which says “CoreException: Could not calculate build plan: Plugin org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.1…” or something similar.

The cause of this problem is mixed.
However the root-cause is the same … the IPL proxy.
Somewhere in all the project dependencies is one that is an https and that will trigger the proxy & its infamous man in the middle attack.

Fortunately all the failure scenarios have the same cause and are relatively easy to fix (once you know how). 

How does this appear?

As an error on the POM.xml screen

The first way this may manifests is often when you update your project immediately after opening a new Eclipse project.
You may get this error message:
There is a message telling you about “multiple problems”; ignore this.
The dialogue behind shows the real reason, but you may not see it for what it is.
Your POM.XML window also is decorated with an error:
Clicking it simply reveals more confusion and woe.
It will tell you that org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin has failed to resolve but when you check your Maven repository it is there.
In fact when you run Maven from the command line there does not seem to be a problem.

To make things worse there is a second possible error:

As an error within the POM.xml

Sometimes the error appears in the Project Explorer and as a simple red cross next to lines of the POM.xml when viewing the source.
For example:
What the @&%$ is going on?

What is happening?

So something is broken in Eclipse when it uses Maven, but Maven is ok; therefore the issue is in Eclipse …. WRONG!
Actually the issue is with Maven because Eclipse is actually attempting to do a “force update” of the project dependencies, plus its own verification of other dependencies.
The issue is that the majority of the repositories are accessed via http and minority are via HTTPS.
You may be operating within a corporate network with a proxy that needs to inspect all traffic. Therefore it performs a man-in-the-middle attack on all HTTPS traffic and requires you to pass your login credentials to it so that you can access the HTTPS sites. So the client (you) still sees HTTPs and the server still sees HTTPs, vut our listener can inspect everything. 
This arrangement can upset JAVA when it notices the certification is one it does not trust.

What are the causes?

 The four causes identified so far are:
  1. Your credentials, stored in the Maven settings, are wrong and need changing.
  2. You have changed your Java version and no longer are using a version that has the IPL certificate added to it.
  3. You are no longer using the specific maven settings that existed for a project;
  4. You no longer have valid user credentials settings in your profile to access the correct mirror.
    Speak to your SysOps guys and have your creds checked.

How do I fix it?

Do not …

Firstly do not initially attempt to resolve it by altering the Eclipse settings as this may make things worse.
The problem is with probably with Maven and not Eclipse.
This doesn’t mean that your copy of Eclipse is fully working it simply isn’t responsible for this issue.

Check your project from the command-line

It is possible that your project will build fine from the command line.
mvn clean package -DskipTests
If this works then move on to “Check which Maven installation Eclipse is using…”.

If not then as long as the error is not just a code build error but is clearly a “can’t resolve dependency” issue, then the problem may be with your repository & there may simply be a broken dependency.

So check it using:
mvn -U clean package -DskipTests
This will force an update of the repository and download new files.
If the project is broken still this doesn’t help move on to “Clear your Maven Repository”.

Clear your Maven Repository

It is possible that your repository is in a “broken” state and will not update correctly because there is a library that is waiting to be updated. Therefore your local repository is somehow mucked up for release jars as opposed to snapshots (-U and --update-snapshots only update snapshots), you can purge your local repo of all of its update flags. Open a command prompt in your repository folder and then delete all the flags using:
forfiles /m *.lastUpdated /s /c "cmd /c del @file"
Then try the “mvn -U clean package –DskipTests” on your project.
If this doesn’t work try the following:
mvn dependency:purge-local-repository
You should see all the dependencies maven needs as standards downloading.
Now rebuild using “mvn -U clean package –DskipTests”.
Failing that there is one nuclear option which is to totally delete your repository and rebuild.
So when you have found out where your local repository is … delete it; then rebuild.

There should be no issues at this point as maven should load all its files via http.

So proceed to “Check which Maven installation Eclipse is using…”.

Check which Maven installation Eclipse is using…

One issue could be if you seeing, especially if your copy of Eclipse is new, is you could be using the embedded copy of Maven that the M2E plugin ships with.
If this is the case got to WindowàPreferencesàMavenàInstallations and add your Maven installation as your active installation.

If you change it check your project … Close eclipse, delete your maven local repository & re-open Eclipse & force an update of the project.
If not fixed then check “Are you using the correct Maven settings files?”.

Are you using the correct Maven settings files?

On the screen WindowàPreferencesàMavenàUser Settings;
They should be Global Settings pointing to the folder where Maven is installed & User Settings should point to an .m2 folder in your user directory.
If they are not the correct files (which can happen if this is a new Eclipse install) update the paths.
Then … Close eclipse, delete your maven local repository & re-open Eclipse & force an update of the project.
If not fixed then check “Is Eclipse using the same Java version?”.

Is Eclipse using the same Java version?

It is possible that your maven install & your eclipse install are using different Eclipse settings.
First check maven by running:
mvn –version
Which will give you something like this:
Now check in Eclipse.
The JVM in use can be found by looking in HelpàAboutàInstallation Details, Configuration Tab which gives you:
If they don’t match; ensure your JAVA_HOME is set correctly and your PATH is picking up the correct Java install.
If this doesn’t fix the issue then we have to “Diagnose the Eclipse Issue.”.

Diagnose the Eclipse Issue.

At this point you should have a project which works on the command-line but not in eclipse.
You should find that the project will build in Eclipse if you click on the pom.xml file and use Run AsàMaven Install. This is because the project is being built using the same JVM as Eclipse and on the Command-line.

However there is an error & the key issue here is:

The requested resource is on a https site and access to a HTTPs site is blocked by the firewall.
It is possible to configure Maven to authenticate its self with the proxy (see “A not authenticated with Proxy error”). However, the correct methodology is described in the next section.
A secondary, problem here is not with the project dependencies but with “Plugin Dependencies”. These are being read by the Eclipse IDE.

At this point it is best to check whether the correct repositories are being loaded into Eclipse.
This can be found by viewing the Maven repositories loaded by Eclipse in its “Maven View” panel.
To get this view got to WindowàShow ViewàOther.. then select “Maven Repositories”.
If you only see “Central (” then it is likely you do not have your profile set correctly.
If this is the case proceed to “Configure your profiles”.

Configure your profiles

In the example above the system is configured to look at the internal mirror.
There should be settings for your project and they should be established as your active profile.

This example uses generic settings with the example of using a Sonatype Nexus server as the Mirror.
In your <home>/.m2/settings.xml file ensure that you have a profile defined as follows:

                       <name>Maven Public Assets</name>
                       <name>Maven Public Assets</name>

In this example two repositories are added, both pointing at a mirror of the Public code on the fictional Nexus mirror. It is the second repository that is the important one as it relates to the Plugins that are failing to load in Eclipse.
This should fix all your Eclipse issues but if not proceed to “Do you have a mirror set up in your settings?”.

Do you have a mirror set up in your settings?

A mirror is different to a repository. With Repositories you specify from which locations you want to download certain artefacts, such as dependencies and maven-plugins. Repositories can be declared inside a project, which means that if you have your own custom repositories, those sharing your project easily get the right settings out of the box. However, you may want to use an alternative mirror for a particular repository without changing the project files.

Why use a mirror

Some reasons to use a mirror are:
1.      There is a synchronized mirror on the internet that is geographically closer and faster
2.      You want to replace a particular repository with your own internal repository which you have greater control over.
3.      You want to run a repository manager to provide a local cache to a mirror and need to use its URL instead
Within IPL we do have a mirror so an argument could be made for using the mirror configuration.
One side of this argument is all traffic via Maven should go via the mirror so it can be recorded and used to analyse the content of the project.
The problem with this approach is it is very easy to set them up to capture everything sooner than specific traffic.
The current methodology (also described here) is to mirror everything using ‘*’, sooner than a specific mirror for a public site such as ‘central’. This would mean that your mirror has to hold everything.
So the counter proposal is to set up specific profiles or add the mirror directly to the project in which was described in the previous section.

Configure the mirror

The method of defining mirror settings is documented here:
The usage guide states:
“Specifies a repository mirror site to use instead of a given repository. The repository that this mirror serves has an ID that matches the mirrorOf element of this mirror. IDs are used for inheritance and direct lookup purposes, and must be unique across the set of mirrors.”
It is advisable that the mirror settings are located in the same settings file as the localRepository settings. This is because files will have been copied to from the mirror to the local repository and when the mirror changes it are these files that will alter.
  1. <settings>
  2. ...
  3. <mirrors>
  4. <mirror>
  5. <id>UK</id>
  6. <name>UK Central</name>
  7. <url></url>
  8. <mirrorOf>central</mirrorOf>
  9. </mirror>
  10. </mirrors>
  11. ...
  12. </settings>
Where the mirrorOf node is important in selecting what is drawn from the mirror.
In the above case all files are fetched. 

Getting a “not authenticated with Proxy” error

You shouldn’t be stuck with this error if you have followed the previous steps.
However if you are the two causes of an error like this:
1.      Incorrect proxy credentials;
2.      An issue with JAVA JVM.

Do you have the correct proxy settings?

Within your maven settings you should have a proxy settings section that looks something like this:
  1. <settings>
  2. .
  3. .
  4. <proxies>
  5. <proxy>
  6. <id>example-proxy</id>
  7. <active>true</active>
  8. <protocol>http</protocol>
  9. <host></host>
  10. <port>8080</port>
  11. <username>proxyuser</username>
  12. <password>somepassword</password>
  13. <nonProxyHosts>|*</nonProxyHosts>
  14. </proxy>
  15. </proxies>
  16. .
  17. .
  18. </settings>

Check the settings:

Is the password right!?
  1. The username must … must … start with MYDOMAIN\\ and not just be your account name or only have a single back-slash. 
  2. It is vital to check that you don’t have more than one proxy profile with active=true; 
  3. It is vital that the protocol=http and not https as it must match the protocol of the proxy not what is being served; 
If you change anything save, and close Eclipse, delete your maven local repository & re-open Eclipse & force an update of the project.

Got proxy settings established but now it’s a ‘certification error’?

You just got an error that looks like this:

Whoa, what the heck is that?
Why would java not be able to connect to my internal repository?
To make sense of the error and what it's actually complaining about, it's necessary to understand a little bit about how SSL works. The server in question — and any server which connecting to might result in the error message above — is protected by HTTPS, which is HTTP with SSL added on. SSL was designed to protect against a lot of different security problems, one of the most complex of which is the man-in-the-middle attack. For various reasons, internet traffic is particularly susceptible to active attacks whereby a malicious party pretends to be the server you're trying to talk to and intercepts your communications. To guard against this, SSL mandates (at the risk of slightly oversimplifying) that the server present a certificate that identifies it as the true bearer of the hostname you're trying to connect to; in this case. Of course, in and of itself, this provision is next to useless — after all, any attacker who can intercept your communications and masquerade as the target server can just as easily forge a certificate claiming to be the correct server.

As it turns out, this was a well-studied problem in cryptography circles in the mid 90's when SSL was designed — the solution is a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). In this system, a handful of trusted parties are authorized to digitally sign certificates — in effect, "vouching for" the legitimacy of the bearer of the certificate. Such trusted parties are called certificate authorities

With this brief background, the error message "unable to find valid certification path to requested target" begins to makes some sense — what Java (by way of Maven) is trying to tell you is that the server presented a certificate, and the certificate did identify itself as the rightful bearer of the hostname Furthermore, the certificate was properly digitally signed — unfortunately, not by a legitimate certificate authority.

So, what makes a certificate authority a "legitimate" one? Every SSL-capable client has its own answer; browsers, for example, have a list of trusted certificate authorities. They're identified by their own certificates (more specifically, by the secure hash of their certificate's contents). In Chrome, for instance, you can see a list of trusted certificate authorities' certificates by going into Settings->Manage Certificates and seeing a list of several trusted "root" certificates.
Any certificate signed by one of these roots will be trusted; untrusted ones will result in a warning message.

Java, on the other hand, doesn't have a "Settings" tab; instead, it has a setup folder. Specifically, $JRE_HOME/lib/security. Here, there's a file named cacerts that lists all of the trusted root certificate authorities. You can view this list using the keytool that comes with the JDK.[1]

This is where the version of Java in use with Eclipse really starts to matter.
As long as your copy of Java has the IPL certificate & Eclipse is pointing to the right JDK, it will work[2].

Installing the IPL Certificate

  1. If you don’t have a copy of your company certificate, ask your sysOps guys & save it as certnew.cer;
  2. Go to your java_home\jre\lib\security folder;
  3. (Windows) Open admin command line there using 'cmd' and CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER
  4. Run keytool to import certificate:
..\..\bin\keytool -import -trustcacerts -keystore cacerts -storepass changeit -noprompt -alias corpCert -file path\to\certnew.cer
Now this particular java JVM will have the Certificate.
This process needs to be repeated for all your JVMs.

Uninstalling the IPL Certificate

Should there be an issue where the certificate is wrong or needs to be removed then the process is as follows:
  1. Go to your java_home\jre\lib\security folder;
  2. (Windows) Open admin command line there using 'cmd' and CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER
  3. Run keytool to delete certificate:
..\..\bin\keytool -delete -keystore cacerts -storepass changeit -noprompt -alias corpCert

Testing the Corporate Certificate

Should want to test whether the certificate is working then this class can be used to test it:
 * A Certificate test which checks for HTTP/HTTPS access using the current JVM.

package com.example;


public class CheckCert {

    private static final String PROXY_HOST = "";
    private static final String PROXY_PORT = "8888";

     * @param args
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        System.out.println("JAVA VERSION:\t"+System.getProperty("java.version"));
        System.out.println("JAVA HOME:\t"+System.getProperty("java.home"));
        System.out.println("JAVA RUNTIME:\t"
        //  doConnect("");
        System.out.println("USE HTTP");
        System.out.println("USE HTTPS");

        System.out.println("USE HTTPS - WITH PROXY SETTINGS");

    public static void setProxySettings() {
        System.setProperty("http.proxyHost", PROXY_HOST);
        System.setProperty("http.proxyPort", PROXY_PORT);

        System.setProperty("https.proxyHost", PROXY_HOST);
        System.setProperty("https.proxyPort", PROXY_PORT);

        System.setProperty("", "true");

    private static void doConnect(String urlText) {
        System.out.println("Connecting to " + urlText);
        try {
            URL myURL = new URL(urlText);
            URLConnection myURLConnection = myURL.openConnection();

            System.out.println("Connected to " + myURLConnection);

            DataInputStream di
                     = new DataInputStream(myURLConnection.getInputStream());
            int max = 100;
            byte[] b = new byte[max];
            if (-1 !=, 0, max)) {
                System.out.println("DATA:\n" + new String(b));

        } catch (Throwable ex) {

You can use this class to verify the JVM can access a HTTPS site as long as it is told  to use the proxy.

Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Word of the Day - JBoss

JBoss is a division of Red Hat that provides support for the JBoss open source application server program and related middleware services marketed under the JBoss Enterprise Middleware brand. JBoss is an open source alternative to commercial offerings from IBM WebSphere and SAP NetWeaver.

Red Hat JBoss products are available through a subscription model that includes technical support and long-term maintenance. JBoss products include:

  • JBoss EAP - an enterprise application platform for building, deploying and hosting Java applications and services. 
  • JBoss Web Server - a Web server built on Apache and Tomcat.
  • JBoss Data Grid - an in-memory distributed database.
  • JBoss Developer Studio - an Eclipse-based integrated development environment (IDE).
  • JBoss Operations Network - a systems management suite for JBoss application environments.
  • JBoss Fuse - a modular integration platform with an enterprise service bus (ESB) to support hybrid and public cloud deployments. 
  • JBoss A-MQ - a lightweight messaging platform.
  • JBoss Data Virtualization - a data virtualization service that allows multiple data sources to be viewed and worked with as if they are a single entity.
  • JBoss BRMS - a platform for business rules management, business resource optimization and complex event processing (CEP).
  • JBoss BPM Suite - a platform for business process management (BPM).