Tuesday 7 February 2012

Running LifeRay as a windows service.

This is an ongoing investigation.
SO far the best steps seem to be:
  1. Copy from a tomcat 7 set up the Tomcat7w.exe and all the associated <tomcat>\bin\*.bat files into your Liferay distribution, as they don't seem to come as standard.
  2. Edit the service.bat so that it contains the following lines:
    rem Set default Service name
    set SERVICE_NAME=LiferayTomcat7
    set PR_DISPLAYNAME=Liferay 6.1

    (lines 77-79).
  3. Install the service as normal (here...).
  4. Add the setting in the registry...
    In HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
    Add a setting called "LifeRayMonitoring" like this:
    "C:\development\Java\tomcat\liferay-portal-6.1.0\tomcat-7.0.23\bin\Tomcat7w.exe" //MS//LiferayTomcat7
    This will start the monitoring service for you.
  5. Now the part I am less sure about. The memory settings.
    This is done by editing the Java Options on the Java Tab.
    It should read:


    The first part is created when you set up the service when startup.bat was run.
    the memory settings are those recommended in the admin manual.
    The three starting with -agentlib are to allow remote debugging against port 8000.
  6. No start remote debugging your portlets (See...)
This is a work in progress but I think it is accurate.

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