Monday 16 January 2012

Liferay 6 and LGPL

I found this question posted on the Liferay website...

I have to make some changes to the Liferay code, and I apply them to all the servers and 2. I develop customized portlets that use Liferay API and I provide these portlets to all my customers. Am I then obligated under LGPL to release the changes and the portlet code? 

It seems a reasonable question.
The reply seems to indicate that as long as you play by the rules than you are not bound by the reciprical agreement to make your code LGPL.

The powerful hooks mechanism introduced last year can be used to modify Liferay behavior without modifying the core. In fact, even Liferay’s EXT environment, which allows modification of the behavior of Liferay’s kernel, services, and UI, is now deployable as a plug-in, which in LGPL terms (as long as you follow best practices) will be considered a linked piece of software and therefore not subject to the reciprocity rules of the LGPL.
Read the full article here...

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